Quick Fix: Broken Eyeshadow!
There is nothing more devastating than dropping and shattering your favourite makeup product into tiny pieces. Thankfully, there is a way to bring that expensive pressed powder back to life in a few simple steps. Let me show you how!
Firstly, you’ll need a few materials to get the job done.
Rubbing Alcohol
A hard object the size of the pan (mine was an awkward shape so I used my finger)
A brush (Preferably old as the alcohol smell stains)
Now that you’ve got your materials, let’s get started!
Step 1:
This step is a little heart breaking but it needs to be done. Crush the remaining powder into tiny pieces. The smaller the better as it will make it will turn into a smoother paste.
Step 2:
Pop a few drops of the rubbing alcohol into the crush powder. Begin mixing it together to form a thick paste as shown below. Keep adding the alcohol as required to achieve this consistency. Don't get too heavy handed on this step!
Step 3:
Once you have your paste, begin moulding the powder into the pan evenly making sure all the powder has now formed a paste. If any powder is remaining, it will make the product less secure and more likely to break again in the pan.
Step 4:
Grab your hard object that is the size of your pan, wrap it in a tissue and being to press the paste down firmly. This will help keep the product packed down and secure in the pan. Mine was an awkward shape so I used my finger.
Step 5:
Place your damp product on a window ledge that has sunlight and a little breeze to help it set. Mine usually takes 24 hours to completely dry.
Step 6:
Time to swatch test and use. Your powder is now good as new!
I hope you enjoyed this quick fix DIY post and give it ago if heaven forbid you accidently break one of your much loved powders. Mine powder is now good as new and hasn’t lost any pigment as you can see.
Thank goodness we don't have to chuck out our treasured products now when they break!
Speak Soon!
Ashlee Louise